Call for 2017 WordCamp Asheville Speakers

Speaker Submissions Now Being Accepted

Presenters and WordPress lovers have until 11:59 PM on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 to submit their ideas for talks at this year’s WordCamp Asheville.

Anyone interested in being considered must complete our form and provide detailed information about the presentation topic, name, takeaways, and value to the attendees. People can apply from anywhere in the country, or even the world, so if you are looking for a reason to visit the mountains –

Apply now and tell us what you want to talk about!

Speakers can choose to present on topics related to website development, web design, business, marketing, content, plugins, and much more. To find out more details about what is involved CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO BECOME A SPEAKER. We are always looking for unique topics that allow participants to learn applicable WordPress skills

Put the Unity in Community!

Unity at the Happiness Bar

This year’s theme is “Community”. WordCamp is the perfect place to unite, share and develop.  It provides an opportunity to connect with someone and experience true synchronicity or to finally begin developing an essential team collaboration that takes you further than you ever could go on your own. It’s not required to have the theme as part of your presentation, but we’d love to challenge you to consider including it.

Apply to Give a Full Talk and a Lightning Talk

This year we have given potential speakers two options: present on a topic for 45 minutes and answer attendee questions, or consider also presenting a 15 minute lightning talk and inspire everyone with a simple, yet brilliant idea.  If you have more than one idea to pitch, multiple applications are gladly accepted!

What do you want to learn about in 2017? Tell us in the comments below!

Call For 2017 WordCamp Asheville Sponsors

Sponsor Signup Form

WordCamps are casual, volunteer-run events. Sponsor support for WordCamp enables attendees to experience the event for a low cost; just $20 per day! A low cost ensures accessibility to freelancers, small businesses and anyone who wants to attend.

Being a sponsor gives you an unique opportunity to invest in the Asheville WordPress community. The attendees are made up of web-savvy professionals who work in media, publishing, film, music, art, technology, education, health care, financial services, government… you name it. Letting members of our community know you support them will earn you their goodwill.

We have all benefited from using WordPress; now is the perfect time to give something back. We’ve created sponsorship levels to fit every budget from large corporations to small local businesses to independent freelancers. Even if you are a small agency, restaurant, magazine, or an individual wanting to give back because you know that WordPress has helped you and your business, we have a support level for you.

If you would like to show your support and help make the Asheville WordCamp great, sign up to be a sponsor!  You can also learn more about becoming a sponsor if you would like more information.

If you have any questions about sponsoring the Asheville WordCamp, please contact John Dorner.

Save the Date for WordCamp Asheville!

WordCamp Asheville is officially on the calendar!

WordCamp Asheville will be June 2-4, 2017 at the AB Tech Asheville Campus.

This year our new Camp home will be the brand new conference center at the AB Tech Asheville campus. With three large rooms for sessions and lots of surrounding lobby space for connecting, networking, and just hanging out, the conference center will allow our community to come learn and share together in a fun new way.

Although us organizers can hardly believe it, twenty seventeen marks our fourth year for WordCamp Asheville. Each year, there are differences in program, schedule, and sometimes the venue itself, but one thing always stays the same: our wonderful community.  People from all sorts of careers, locations, and walks of life come together for one weekend to learn from each other and get inspired. We believe in educating each other and learning together – this is the heart of WordCamp and what makes it so much fun!

So come learn, share, and develop with us this year. We want to see you.

Subscribe here to stay up to date on the most recent news. We’ll keep you posted on all the details over the next two months, including ticket sales and more!