Category Archives: News

Should I Attend PreCamp? Tickets Go on Sale Tuesday May 3rd

PreCamp is a hands-on Beginner’s Day for those new to WordPress. Unlike WordCamp (Sat & Sun), which focuses on presentations by various speakers, PreCamp (Fri) is a do-it-yourself day.

Are you new to WordPress (or know someone who is) and want some hands-on support in setting up your website? PreCamp is designed to take you from a blank slate to a fully functioning website before you walk out the door. We provide almost everything* you need to get started – including hosting for your site thanks to our generous sponsors.

If you’re a beginner who is wondering if this is the right place for you – the answer is YES!

Want to be one of the lucky 50 attendees?

Attendees, Speakers, Sponsors, Volunteers & Organizers gather in Asheville, North Carolina for #WCAVL

Make sure you’ve signed up for Email updates (subscribe on right-hand sidebar) and we’ll notify you when tickets go on sale.

We look forward to meeting you at PreCamp! *you will need to bring a laptop with wireless internet and administrative access, any images and content you will want on your website, and a willingness to learn through hands-on experience (a great sense of humor and willingness to laugh while you learn is appreciated – but not required.) We look forward to seeing you at Asheville WordCamp!

Featured Gold Sponsor: Meet WooCommerce

WordCamp Asheville could not continue without the support of our generous sponsors. We are so grateful for their generosity. This year we wanted to give everyone the chance to meet our sponsors more personally and learn more about what they do and why they do it. We asked each sponsor to have someone on their team share the company story, as well as how they stay involved with and invested in the WordPress community. So, without further ado…we would like to introduce WooCommerce.


Q. What is your name?

A. Nicole Kohler

Q. What does WooCommerce do?

A. WooCommerce is a free eCommerce toolkit for WordPress. It is used by over 30% of all online stores, and allows you to sell anything, anywhere, beautifully. WooCommerce is free, and also has paid extensions that can be added to increase its capabilities such as add subscription support, memberships, and more.

Q. Why do you do this work? What is your vision and mission?

A. We created WooCommerce to give anyone the power to sell anything – physical goods, digital products, subscriptions, downloads, memberships, even your time – from anywhere in the world. Our mission is to give people the power to run a robust eCommerce website with WordPress.

Q. Who are your ideal customers?

A. Anyone who wants to sell online can use WooCommerce!

High angle view of people communicating at table with their devices

Q. Why do you support WordCamp Asheville? What do you hope attendees gain from participating?

A. As a global sponsor of WordCamps, we aim to learn more about what current WooCommerce users are doing, what we can do to better support them, and how we can grow and improve our plugin and its extensions. We hope that attendees gain a better sense of who we are and what we are trying to accomplish, and maybe also get some questions answered or problems solved by our helpful ninjas :).

Q. How do you use WordPress or how do your clients/customers use it? Why is WordPress important to you?

A. WordPress is the core of every WooCommerce installation. We use it every day, and it’s incredibly important to us. Our ninjas have taken many different paths to discover and use WordPress – it’s a common bond among us, something that has brought us all together.

Q. How can people learn more about what you do?

A. Visit to learn more, or follow us at

#WCAVL 2016 Speakers Deadline = Sunday April 10 at 11:59 PM

Speakers Deadline for WordCamp Asheville 2016 Fast Approaches

Presenters and WordPress lovers have until 11:59 PM on Sunday April 10, 2016 to submit their ideas for talks at this year’s WordCamp Asheville. Anyone interested in being considered must complete our form and provide detailed information about the presentation topic, name, takeaways, and value to the attendees. People can apply from anywhere in the country, or even the world, so if you are looking for a reason to visit the mountains –

Apply now and tell us what you want to talk about!

Speakers can choose to present on topics related to website  website development, web design, business, marketing, content, plugins, and much more. To find out more details about what is involved CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO BECOME A SPEAKER. We are always looking for unique topics that allow participants to learn applicable WordPress skills

Get Inspired and Share Your Spark

Group Of Friends Lighting Sparklers At Outdoor Party

This year’s theme is “the spark”. WordCamp is the perfect place to have that ah-ha moment when you learn something new or to come up with that next great idea for your business, to connect with someone and experience true synchronicity or to finally begin developing an essential team collaboration that takes you further than you ever could go on your own. It’s not required to have the theme as part of your presentation, but we’d love to challenge you to consider including it.

Apply to Give a Full Talk and a Lightning Talk

This year we have given potential speakers two options: present on a topic for 45 minutes and answer attendee questions, or consider also presenting a 15 minute lightning talk and inspire everyone with a simple, yet brilliant idea.  If you have more than one idea to pitch then simple let us know when you complete your speaker submission form.

Thanks for Being a Part of #WCAVL – We Can’t Wait to See You in June

Thanks to everyone who has already submitted ideas for WordCamp Asheville 2016. There would be no WordCamp without you, your expertise, and your generous desire to give back to the community.  We look forward to seeing all of you in June!

Save the Date for WordCamp Asheville!

We’re so happy to announce that WordCamp Asheville is officially on the calendar!

WordCamp Asheville will be June 3-5 at the UNCA Campus.

Subscribe using the form in the sidebar to stay up to date on the most recent news. We’ll keep you posted on all the details over the next two months, including ticket sales and more!

Our Call for Sponsors is open! We are currently accepting sponsorship applications. Check out Why Sponsor WordCamp to learn more about the great benefits that come with sponsoring our event.

Are you passionate about a particular WordPress topic? Interested in sharing your knowledge? Become a WordCamp Asheville speaker! This year, we’ve also added Lightning Talks — quick 15-minute talks that each cover one topic. When you submit your full-length talk, go ahead and include a Lightning version if you’re so inclined! Read the full Speaker details here first, then submit your talk!